ハーベストMODで他のMODも入れたいなと思ったので、紹介しつつ使っていこうと思ってるよ (ω) 今回は『Decocraft2』という家具を中心に装飾をたくさん追加するMODだよ ハーベストMODの時言うの忘れていたけど、基本何も言わないときは前提MODはForgeを使うから Like other shader mods of Minecraft, KUDA shaders mod is made to improve the graphics effects of Minecraft, which results in a completely new look of MinecraftIt adds shadows, new lighting systems, godrays and other effects to the game KUDA Shaders Mod 1144/1122 is among the top 3 concerning popularity Unlike other realistic shader mod, this mod will be much don't recommend the app for ppl that plays on realms, sever and worlds that are in multiplayer My 3 years old world got griefed by a person who joined my world using the nuke ability and it was not patched in and I had to start a new world and on severs is more of a serious issue ppl with this app makes severs die cuz of lack of anti cheat and it is not even fun for other マイクラ 生活感あふれる家具やオブジェクトを多数追加する Landlust Mod ゲマステ 新作ゲームレビュー マイクラ ゲームmod 情報まとめ マイクラ mod 家具 1.12.2